People all around the globe (maybe with a few exceptions) try to find a Wii - and as Christmas is coming, more desperately than ever - but Wii availability is still to low.
Back in April 2007 Nintendo made the estimation of 14m Wii consoles for yearly shipment but they raised it up to 17.5m units.
They will be shipping another 3.5m units globally for Christmas.
Nevertheless the company declared that it will not be guaranteed that every willing buyer will get his Wii this Christmas.
Here are some quotes of Nintendo spokesmen:
"The demand for Wii hardware globally has been unprecedented and higher than Nintendo could ever have anticipated..."
"Nintendo is now in a position in which seasonality demand trends are being broken, therefore the demand for Wii hardware is constant throughout the whole year globally. Due to this phenomenon it is possible that the demand for Wii hardware may outstrip supply,"
Also there are rumors about the reasons for Nintendos shortage in Wii supply, Nintendo declares to do everything possible to satisfy the demand:
"The video games market is a fiercely competitive one and it is not in our interest to withhold stock from anyone"
Well, it seems there will be many dissapointed buyers that suffer from low Wii availabiltiy...
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